Best Practices

Analysis Timing

  • Run analysis during non-peak hours

  • Allow 2-5 minutes for completion

  • Refresh data hourly for active tokens

What to Look For

  1. Holder Distribution

    • Balance between large and small holders

    • Concentration of holdings

  2. Trading Patterns

    • Average hold times

    • Buy/sell ratios

    • Profitability trends

  3. Wallet Quality

    • Age of wallets

    • SOL balances

    • Trading history

Limitations & Considerations

  • Analysis limited to top holders

  • Exchange wallets are filtered out

  • Newer tokens may have limited history

  • All data is public blockchain information

Troubleshooting Guide

Common Issues & Solutions

1. Invalid Address Error

  • Solution: Double-check token address

  • Verify on Solscan first

  • Ensure proper formatting

2. Slow Analysis

  • Solution: Wait 5-10 minutes

  • Check internet connection

  • Try refreshing if stuck

3. No Results

  • Solution: Verify token activity

  • Check address correctness

  • Ensure token is live on Solana

When to Refresh Data

  • After major trading activity

  • When data is over 1 hour old

  • Before making investment decisions

Last updated